Hæfileikamótun N1 og KSÍ

Eftirtaldir leikmenn frá Fjölni hafa verið valdir til að taka þátt í Hæfileikamótun N1 og KSÍ í Reykjavík.
Æfingarnar fara fram á gervigrasvelli Þróttar í Laugardalnum dagana 15. og 17.apríl næstkomandi undir stjórn Lúðvíks Gunnarssonar þjálfara.

Þengill Orrason
Vigfús Þór Helgason
Mikael Breki Jörgensson
Óskar Dagur Jónasson
Jökull Hjaltason
Aron Bjarki Hallsson
Kristinn Gunnar Gunnarsson
Anton Breki Óskarsson
Auður Árnadóttir
Ana Natalia Zikic
Embla Karen Bergmann Jónsd.
Embla María Möller Atladóttir


Til hamingju og gangi ykkur vel!

Coaching in Iceland


Fjölnir Gymnastics, located in Reykjavík Iceland, is seeking TeamGym coaches for our athletes, both children and teenagers.
Our goal is to bring Fjölnir Gymnastics to the top level in Icelandic gymnastics and we are therefore eager to hire ambitious coaches that are conducive to that goal.

Do you meet our requirements?

• Education relevant to gymnastics coaching
• At least two year experience in coaching children/teenagers
• Ability to develop appropriate instructional programs
• Good communication and human relations skills
• A great interest in working with children/teenagers and inspiring them to achieve their goals

We offer a great opportunity for individuals who wants to get inspired by Iceland and it’s unpredictable nature as well as working as a part of ambitious team of gymnastic coaches. We offer competitive salaries and perquisite, great facilities and excellent team spirit! We need you from August 2019 and we can offer either full time or part time employment.

Please send applications and enquiries to the e-mail address hallakari@fjolnir.is. Also feel free to contact our director, Halla Kari Hjaltested, Tel: +354 661 6520.

Coaching in Iceland 2019